Ugali, Amarula Liquor, Sunsets, and Other Miscellaneous Goodies: Tanzania – Part Three
The foods encountered within Tanzania can range from the starch heavy stomach bombs of ugali and rice within the cities and towns all the way to the milk and blood mixture that serves as the primary means of sustenance for tribes like the Maasai, from freshly caught seafood along Lake Victoria to the coconut and curry heavy fare found near the ports on the coasts. But any way it comes – and much like anywhere else in the world – one can’t truly come to know a place without diving into the local culinary creations. Although I was frequently confined to the Western fare that was produced for our traveling convoy on this trip, I still sought out every opportunity to sample what I could where I could (and my opportunities likely increased due to my incessant nagging of the guides in that respect).
In contrast to countries like France, Spain, or Japan, however — where the local cuisine has been honed to perfection over thousands of years and elevated to more of an art form — the food of Tanzania takes on a much more utilitarian angle: that of providing energy to the diner in the most efficient manner. As evidence of this, the staple food of Tanzania, which is consumed at virtually every meal, is that of Ugali, a doughy mass made from either maize or cassava flour. The consistency shouldn’t be too sticky, should be malleable enough to form ball of dough into a small scoop, but shouldn’t be watery or loose enough that it falls apart with in contact with liquid.
in its cooked form, isn’t the most visually exciting food to look at —
and, unfortunately, the taste errs on the side of bland, too. It isn’t
Ugali’s fault, however, that it is the culinary equivalent of
cardboard. Afterall, its primary purpose is simply to stuff one’s body
with as many carbs as possible, all in an inexpensive manner and with
the few materials readily available
monotony of bite after bite of ugali is, happily, broken up with the
inclusion of various sauces with which it is normally served, made from
meat, fish, or vegetables. The procedure is to grab a hunk of ugali,
roll it into a ball, and then, using your thumb, to push an indentation
into one side. This creates a handy scoop for savouring the delicious
My favorite dipping sauce (or topping for anything on my plate, for that matter) was the spicy chili paste known as Pili Pili
for our taste buds, the Tanzanians often cook up the rice with a few
hunks of chopped meat and a handful of seasoning for another common dish
called Pilau
was able to sneak away during one of our meals in a village in Karatu
and was welcomed into the kitchen to watch the cooks in action (shown
above). Needless to say, the modern conveniences of food processors and
stand mixers haven’t yet become common place here
rolling out a flour and water dough by hand into a shape akin to a
thick tortilla, the common flat bread called “chepati” is then tossed
into a skillet to cook over an open fire
When finished, the chepati comes out closer to an Indian naan bread than anything else I’ve had before
Sweet, crepe-like pancakes often complemented the local coffee or spicy Zanzibar teas over breakfast
If you’ve been following along in my adventure for any length of time, you’ll long since have realized that I’m occasionally partial to the liquid side of life. And as such, a trip to a new country wouldn’t be complete without at least sampling the indigenous beverages:
liquor (made from the amarula fruit) — it had a creamy texture akin to
the likes of Bailey’s Irish Cream, but instead of a chocately flavor, it
was all tropical fruit that hit the palette. When asked how best to
enjoy this, I was told the common method was two shots of Amarula, mixed
with a shot of vodka to kick up the alcohol (and you’d get bonus points
for using the locally distilled vodka known as Konyagi)
The beers of Tanzania didn’t get too creative with their titles, with common brands being Serengeti, Kilimanjaro, or Tusker
unique beverage to the area is that of Mbege — a beer-like (though
listed as fruit wine) brew made using bananas as the primary ingredient
is my father, Ralph, in the middle, and my brother, David, on the right
(you remember him from my post on Prague, right?). I’m the dashing
young man with the suave (read: shaggy) hair on the left
Given the beating the vehicles take, it isn’t surprising to have to do some ad hoc repairs while out in the bush
Taking off in the middle of the Serengeti Plain in a tiny puddle-jumper can be as entertaining as any game drive
taking many requests, I’ll go ahead and post the picture of my brother
and I jumping with the Maasai — though I’ll vehemently argue that the
warrior jumping with us was cheating by bending his knees and raising
his feet while in the air, making his jump appear to be all the more
intimidating (and thanks for the photo, Kay!)
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